Friday, December 6, 2019

Prebooking Scientific Review Paper

Question: Discuss about thePrebooking Scientific Review Paper. Answer: The Title Generally, all the titles relevant to a study are short, clear, concise, and take into consideration of the main ideas in the topic of discussion. Contextually, the title is long and takes long time for one to understand what is expected from the study, contrary to the general rules on topic heads. It is therefore beyond reasonable doubt that the title of the document is not written with regards to the appropriate set rules and procedures. The Abstract Generally, the abstract of a paper usually contains the key findings in a study, objectives, effect of the findings and a conclusion on the document itself. Contextually, the abstract has comprehensively summarized on the idea of value enhanced texturized soy proteins and highlighted the key findings, while taking into consideration the wordings (250 words). However, the objectives of the study have not been covered on by the abstract as it majors solely on the origins and types of texturized soy proteins. It only focuses on the general idea of the topic which is the description of the cooking properties of beef patties and imparting information on the idea of what constitutes a texturized soy protein. Notably, the abstracts study has highlighted on the effects of the study but has not placed them in such a way that they are easily discerned by a reader. The whole idea behind writing an abstract is to clearly identify the main points of consideration and which constitute a particular study to the reader, all which this abstract fails to has a conclusion at the end of the paragraph that forms the thesis statement of the study, and which acts as the focal points around which the paper focuses on. Introduction The introduction is properly outlined with a good structure as the basic components are correctly fulfilled, such as the generality of the information and the importance of the research. As a supporting point, the introductory part of the study has begun by stating the timeframe of the practice of adding soy to meat products, tracing it to the early 1900s.furthermore, the introducing statement continues to evaluate how the method is applicable to the current society in terms of its use as texturized soy protein (TSP). It has gone ahead in explaining the meaning of key terminologies that are encountered in the course of this study such, for example, the meaning of value-enhanced soybeans has been clearly stated. This, in turn, prepares the reader to know the basics of the study and understand that value enhanced soybeans are those which have alterations on the modification of traits either genetically or through traditional breeding of plants. The introductory part has successfully integrated the opinions of authors, which is fundamental to supporting the relevant facts to the topic of discussion. The idea expressed by Bowers, Engler and Drake on the effect of the addition of TSP in compromising qualities and attributes of met produced are true. Additionally, the concept proposed by Twigg and Liu on the effect of adding TSP to ground beef serves to offer a basis for arguement and supporting the facts of the study. Crowe and Johnson observations are also appropriate as they explain the information through stating that texturized soy flour have equivalent patties as those of ground beef. The importance of this study, as outlined in the excerpt, are true as it is mainly for justification of the study, such as understanding of the nature of characteristics of functional properties. Moreover, a supporting fact on its importance is that is allows for the comprehension of ingredients of value enhanced soybeans such as proteins, oils and flour and their role as a as a tool for gaining popularity. Evidently, the truthful nature in which the effects of the study are realized through the easement in the utilization of equipment, reduction of capital investment and the feasibility of value enhanced soya beans is shown. The hypothesis stated at the end of the introductory part of this study is a supporting line on the impact of alterations in flavor by residual oil and enzymes deficiency. The statement of the goals of the study are justifiable as they define that the TSP formed from the value enhanced soya beans has an influence on sensory and cooking features of ground beef patties. Materials and Methods The methods and materials used by the researchers in explaining the obtainment of soybean used in control are true as they support the study. The researchers removed three lox isozyme of soy beans to decrease amino acids and saturated fats levels, and also obtained non-genetically modified soybeans for control purposes. The soybeans with the low concentration of fats were produced at low soy specialists Low-fat soybean meal was produced at Iowa Soy Specialties. In this study, the experimental design input is on value enhanced texturized SP and sensory while the output is about the cooking properties, which are true to the best of my knowledge. These methodologies are true as they support the relevant information to the study and explain them in an easy and understandable dimension. The two replications which were conducted in the nature of sensory analysis and numerous variances are true and validate the methodology used. The selection of panelists was conducted for two weeks, and it achieved the objectives of the study, and fat replacers have an effect on the quality on SP. Finally, value enhances texturized SP has an impact on sensory and cooking properties, and the implications are not too high but moderate. Results and Discussion The arrangements of the relationship between the properties of soy flour and Tvp make it possible for efficient presentation and discussion platforms. Additionally, the colors of patties have been made lighter than that of beef control and there are increased sources of proteins and fats. Although there was no retention of fats and moisture, the cooking and texture properties were very high in TSP extended patties as compared to beef control. There are no views by experts relevant in this field which proves as a weakness in supporting the basis and truthful nature of the whole process. Conclusion This paper lacks a conclusion that usually serves as the re-statement of the problem to facilitate the understanding of what one reads about or writes on. It is an important element of the paper and should not be avoided, lest the information will not have the compelling feeling it ought to have all throughout the study.

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